A student is a learner, or who attends an educational institution.In most nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a pupil.
A student is someone who studies. Not someone who is taught or someone who
drinks latte and plays computer games: but rather, someone who studies. We must
bear in mind the active component of studying that is required by this model of what
it means to be a student. After a secondary education in the UK, it would be
reasonable to suppose that being a ‘student’ means ‘being taught’: but the passivity
inherent in this model is entirely inappropriate. A student is not someone who
receives teaching and merely vomits it back; rather a student is someone who is
responsible for her own learning and study. An ‘active learner’ is a person who takes charge of their own studies
A student is someone who studies. Not someone who is taught or someone who
drinks latte and plays computer games: but rather, someone who studies. We must
bear in mind the active component of studying that is required by this model of what

reasonable to suppose that being a ‘student’ means ‘being taught’: but the passivity
inherent in this model is entirely inappropriate. A student is not someone who
receives teaching and merely vomits it back; rather a student is someone who is
responsible for her own learning and study. An ‘active learner’ is a person who takes charge of their own studies
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